Welcome to EPROH !

Dear Colleagues,
The work of Occupational Health Staff was, is and most probably will be severely dominated by COVID 19 and it changed our work and focus all over the world.
The ICOH (International Committee of Occupational Health) Scientific Committee “Emergency Preparedness and Response in Occupational Health (EPROH)”, chaired by Prof. Alexis  Descatha was founded to prepare and support organisations in emergency situations.
Pandemic preparedness is one aspect of emergency preparedness. To be able to support organisations in this field in the future better, we ask you to share your specific “lessons learned” from the last months and in which fields you see a need to stress our attention in the future.
Please use for this purpose the questionnaire via “Monkey survey” – it will only take about 6 minutes to fill in. 

The summary of your ideas, concepts and efforts will be shared with all you and will be integrated in a “plan of preparedness” to be used by organisations for an integrated pandemic preparedness.

Please feel free to share this questionnaire with other colleagues, the more ideas we will get back the better and the better we can work to together for the purpose of improving employees health.

Here is the web-link for answering the survey:


Thanks, stay healthy and all the best,

Dr. Susanne Schunder-Tatzber
Secretary of EPROH

EPROH scientific committee (emergency preparedness and response in occupational health) was created at the ICOH Congress in 2015. It aims at establishing a network for occupational practitioners interested in developing research, teaching, training and practicing in emergency response in workplaces.

See current triennum actions 2018-2021

See past triennum actions 2015-2018

See prelimInary actions before 2015

Why EPROH ?  A close cooperation between emergency and occupational specialists will help improving emergency care in workplaces and reducing the gap between knowledge and action. A position statement paper on emergency preparedness and response in occupational health has been published so far (Download position statement here). The first symposium during the Triennium 2015-2018 has been held in  2016 in Vienna, on Sunday October 2  as a joint session with the European Society of Emergency Medicine at EUSEM conference (http://www.eusemcongress.org/en/). EPROH met again at the ICOH congress in DUBLIN 2018. We will meet in (or “at” if on-line only) Melbourne for next ICOH which has been posponed to February 4 – 11, 2022….